FRC 7623
2018/2019 Events
STEMley Cup 2019
On November 9th 2019, Morebotics 7623 started a new year with the fifth annual STEMley Cup Championship! This year, the STEMley cup was attended by 29 teams. With our very own robot, Comet, we were chosen as alliance captain number eight. We teamed up with team 4343, MaxTech, and team 1360, Orbit Robotics. We played in two quarter finals matches until we were eliminated after playing against Alliance One which consisted of teams 1114, Simbotics, 7509, Brainstorm Robotics, and 3683, Team Dave. It was a great day and we learned a lot. We look forward to our second year in the FIRST program, and hope to use the skills we learned from being a rookie team to achieve our goals this season.
Morebotics Bake Sale 2019
The second Morebotics Bake Sale was hosted at our school, St. Thomas More Secondary School, just like last year. We baked a variety of treats such as cupcakes which were beautifully decorated, brownies and cinnamon buns. The bake sale was, once again, a success and it raised more awareness of our team.

McMaster University Competition 2019
Our home town competition! We had a great time at McMaster and are so honoured to have received the Highest Rookie Seed Award and Rookie All Star Award, qualifying us to compete for the award at the provincial level.

Humber College Competition 2019
Morebotics participated in their first regional competition on the weekend of March 9th at Humber college. We discovered our strengths and persisted through many challenges for a fun day of matches. It was a great learning experience that truly showed us the spirit of FIRST and the enthusiasm of the teams participating. The entire team showed gracious professionalism and embraced the spirit of the tournament. Overall it was a successful competition!

HWCDSB Science and Engineering Fair 2019
Morebotics 7623 attended the Hamilton-Wentworth Catholic District School Board (HWCDSB) Annual System Science and Engineering Fair. Team members had the opportunity to join MakeShift 4039, Celt-X 5406, BT Robotics 6342, and SJB Odyssey 6878 in presenting in front of hundreds of elementary students. This was the first presentation Morebotics has done! Students shared their experience as a FRC rookie team and showcased “Supernova,” our competition robot.

Nick, Qais, and Harshini present at the science fair.
FIRST Kickoff 2019
The 2019 FIRST Robotics Kickoff was held on Saturday January 5th 2019 at St Mary's Catholic Secondary School. Four teams from different schools participated in the event: MakeShift, BT Robotics, STEAM Team, and Morebotics. Everyone enthusiastically embraced the spirit of FIRST. Anxiousness to find out the challenge as well as excitement for the upcoming season filled the atmosphere. The moment everyone had waited for finally arrived and the challenge was revealed! The 2019 First Robotics challenge is Destination: Deep Space presented by the Boeing Company. All the teams worked together as they read the game manual and identified important details. Kickoff started the teams into their journey through the season, it also was the starting point for the courtesy we will see throughout the season and the skills we will develop.
Destination: Deep Space Challenge
Morebotics Bake Sale 2018
The Morebotics Bake Sale was hosted at our home school, St. Thomas More Catholic Secondary School, in December. It was Team 7623's first fundraiser. We cooked up many delicious and unique treats such as cheesecake bites, marshmallow bars, and pizza cookie. Morebotics is glad to say that our fundraiser was not only successful, but also raised awareness of our robotics team and recruited new members.

Team 7623 baking delicious treats for the bake sale
FIRST Lego League Qualifier 2018
FIRST Lego League (FLL) Qualifier is a robotics competition for elementary school students. FLL 2018 was the first FLL competition Morebotics attended. Our team showed leadership and community involvement by volunteering for the competition. Through contributing and helping with the event, we were able to learn skills that we will use within our own team. We enjoyed the FIRST Lego League Competition very much and are also proud to say Jordan Peters, a member of 7623, received the Young Adult Mentor Award for his work mentoring the team at St. Michael Elementary School.

Jordan Peters (center) with teammates Enrico (left) and Harshini (right) receives his Coach/Mentor Award
Team Morebotics attended SWATPOSIUM in December 2018, an annual robotics conference hosted by Team 771. It brought together nearly 40 FRC teams from both Canada and the U.S. for a day of guest speakers, workshops, and social activities.
STEMley Cup 2018
The STEMly Cup is an annual off-season event hosted by MakeShift and Celt-X in Hamilton, Ontario. 32 teams attended the fourth annual STEMley Cup Championship. MakeShift 4039 provided Morebotics with a robot, a coach, and a tech crew. 7623 "Morebotics" won the Buoyant Break Away award and were alliance captain number 7. Team 7623 had chosen team 4618, Newman Robotics, as an alliance. Morebotics competed in qualification matches as well as three matches in the quarter finals. This was our first team event and it gave us our first glimpse into the FRC world! It helped us prepare for future competitions and increased our awareness of what goes on in tournaments. We had a fantastic day of learning and are very excited to begin our first season!
The drive team lining up before a match

Robot 7623 on the field about to power up
Morebotics drive team focused on the match with the help of MakeShift coach Liz